Join us as it's "Outdoor Adventure" week at Cub Scout Day Camp, July 29th – August 2nd!
Scouts will have the opportunity to do sports, and themed arts and crafts.
Cost is $135, which includes t-shirt, patch, day pack and a whole lot of fun! Use "Shirt Request" on left to enter size. Additional t-shirt recommended, but not required. (No t-shirts guaranteed after 7/8.)
Adult Staff and Youth Staff - $10 t-shirt included. Use "Shirt Request" on left to enter size.
To order extra t-shirts, use "Trading Post" on left to enter sizes.
Add the Scout rank for what they will be in Fall of 2024-25
Each participant must bring their own lunch.
Each unit must have 1 volunteer per 5 Scouts (or fewer) registered. No exceptions!
Please contact Camp Director: Renae Hardage (843) 263-1952 if you have any questions.
July 29th – August 2nd, 2024
St Gregory the Great. St. Gregory Drive, Bluffton, 29909
Drop off 8:30 am and pick up 3:30. Please do not be late to pick up your Scout.
Tiger Cub must have parent register as well. T-shirt order required at registration.