Commissioner College

PACCS, the Piedmont Appalachian College of Commissioner Science, was held May 31-June 2 at Western Carolina University in North Carolina. Coastal Carolina Council, along with Georgia-Carolina Council, were the hosts and Daniel Boone Council sponsored the trading post. Bonnie Everard, Chuck Lance, and Bill Lewis represented the Coastal Carolina Council on staff.

In addition to training and continuing education offerings, attendees heard from Susan Long, Territory 15 Commissioner; Erich Roetz, Territory 15 Commissioner-Elect; and Scott Sorells, National Commissioner. Friday night was General Assembly and cracker-barrel. Saturday had training during the day, followed by an ice cream social. Following Sunday's worship service, a closing assembly and graduation were held. Kathi Salcedo and Sean Szymanski received their doctorate in Commissioner Science. Ed Starr received his masters, while Kerry Ankenbran, Ryan Hauck, and Mindy Thompson all received their bachelors. Don Johnson was received as a doctoral candidate. Coastal Carolina Council once again received the travel award for having traveled the furthest to attend.

Please join us next year for more training, fun, and fellowship! Time and place to be announced.

Yours in Scouting,

Dr. Bonnie Everard

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