Financing Scouting

Who pays for Scouting? Where Does the money come from? Where does it go?

Youth Personal Savings
Participation in money earning projects
Personal Equipment
Camp Fees

Their Units Member dues
Special money-earning projects
Camping equipment
Registration fees*
Boys’ Life Magazine*
Special Events
Program materials
* after the first year if the unit applies fund raising funds to fees.

Chartered Organization Organizations budget Meeting rooms, light and heat

Your Council United Way organizations
“Friends of Scouting” Campaigns
Trust Funds
Project Sales
Special Events
Organizing Units
Serving existing Units
Training leaders
Maintaining Camp(s)
Maintaining Service Center, records and information
Professional Staff Supervision

National Council Member Registration fees
magazine ads and subscriptions
Supply division uniforms and equipment sales
National service fees
Local Council Assistance
Program Research and Development
Program Materials
Professional Training
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