Spring Fellowship

At the end of January, various Section and National Order of the Arrow officers taught several of our adult and youth Arrowmen about the latest and greatest the OA has to offer in lodge leadership and development. Adults completed the Developing Youth Leadership Conference (DYLC), and the youth completed the National Leadership Seminar (NLS) training courses.

Unali’Yi hosted our Spring Fellowship at Camp Ho Non Wah in February. In addition to beginning preparations to compete at the upcoming Section Cornerstone Conclave in Charlotte, the 2024-2025 lodge officers were elected. They will be sworn in and begin their terms at the end of the upcoming Spring Ordeal. Spring Ordeal is scheduled for the weekend of May 17-19. Registration is about to open on the My Camp Manager website. Letters are being mailed out to new candidates and lodge members. Email chief@site236.com if you would like to schedule your 2024 unit election. If so, we will do our best to coordinate.

2024-2025 Lodge Officers

  • Chief Elect - Mike McCready
  • Vice Chief of Admin - Ayden Hudson
  • Vice Chief of Program- Tyler Fish
  • Lodge Secretary- AJ Stevenson
  • Lodge Treasurer- Falyn Hudson

Yours in Brotherhood,

Lincoln Shirey, Wayne Barfield, Unali’Yi Lodge Chief, Unali’Yi Lodge Advisor

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